The Downs Family

Greetings to you.  I’m James Downs.  We  are going to the Washington DC   Metroplex to plant Independent fundamental bible believing Baptist churches. Our goals are as follows;

  1. To evangelize the approximate lost 200 thousand Ethiopians.
  2. To evangelize the whosoever of 6 million people living in the Washington D.C. metroplex.
  3. To train men to teach, preach and lead in the ministry.
  4. To start a radio program.

The churches will have conservative standards with traditional services of hymns and sacred Christian music. The King James Bible will be held up as the final authority for all faith and practice.  We will practice person to person and door to door soul winning. The doors of the church will be lovingly opened to all who will come to sit under the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

Churches are closing their doors in Washington D.C.  Many have turned very liberal; even displaying the rainbow flag! The light grows dim for the many who grope in the darkness of sin.  Right here in the shadows of our nation’s capital, we will light our torch as we stake out our battle ground for the cause of Jesus Christ!

Having been missionaries to Ethiopia for twelve and a half years, we will have a special open door for ministry among the Ethiopians in the greater Washington DC area.  Many of the Ethiopians came as refugees to the  United States. Most are still lost, having remained Ethiopian Orthodox Christian or Muslim.  We will take advantage of this opportunity to reach these dear souls.  The Lord has certainly prepared us for this unique ministry.


Yours in Christ Jesus,

James Downs